

The Department educates specialists in physical engineering, specifically in solid state engineering. Their study combines solid theoretical foundations in mathematics and physics with experimental and engineering courses. Students will become familiar with key concepts in modern theoretical and experimental physics of condensed matter, applied optics, nuclear physics, and electronics. Within the master’s course, they build on their bachelor course foundations, adding to them quantum theory of solid matter and physical systems: superconductors and their theory; low temperature physics; dielectric and semiconductor materials physics; biological structures; or “smart” materials. The courses are also focused on many other disciplines, for example, technology and analysis of semiconductors, development of optical fibre sensors and special photonic materials, application of dielectric crystals, use of special diffraction techniques for material testing, use of databases providing information on material research or mathematical modelling of structures, properties, physical phenomena and technological processes.

The Department of Solid State Engineering is responsible for the following Bachelor Programme course

in the Master Continuation Programme

and in the Doctoral Programme


Science and Research

The scientific and research activities of the department concentrate in specialised scientific centres - laboratories involved in both fundamental and applied research. Courses in all study programmes (Bachelor, Master, Doctoral) are closely linked with research projects of the department’s laboratories and are involved in cooperation with research and educational institutions from the Czech Republic and abroad.


Cooperation with Institutions

spiCVR  JINR-modreAV CR

AGHlogo-fmpLogo AD Astra


DSSE in Images

A molecule model Diffractometer Optical fiber Protein Spectrometer Geosphere

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Trojanova 13
Praha 2
120 01

tel.: +420 778 530 704

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Head of Department

doc. Ing. Ladislav Kalvoda, CSc.

Deputy Head of Department

Ing. Petr Sedlák, Ph.D.

Department secretary

Ing. Martin Dráb, Ph.D.

Department assistant

Stanislava Poláčková
Dana Mochánová

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