
Course abbrevitation: P_FEN
Course code: N0533A110017
Course duration: 2 years

Physical Electronics – Specializations

Degree Course Characteristics

Fyzikalni elektronika Ing 01 The first-year programme of the course includes up-to-date and classical parts of applied physics and related disciplines. Students are also taught to apply physical methods to natural sciences and engineering practice, using the latest experimental and computation technology and computer simulations.

The course is designed so as to acquaint students with the physical nature, theoretical description, and interpretation of many phenomena and properties following from the variety of interacting physical systems, i.e. namely interactions between the electromagnetic field and the material environment. This may refer to quantum generators, photonic structures, and plasma. It is important to explain and demonstrate in practice the key experimental methods and computational modelling and to give an overview of the present-day and potential applications, including interdisciplinary links.

The degree programme splits into three specializations of modern physics as applied to engineering and natural sciences. Laser physics and technology concentrates on laser generators, coherent laser beams, and linear optics. Photonics specialization deals with modern photonics, optics, and photonic (nano)structures, their design and applications. Computational physics is equally concerend with the physical foundations of top technologies such as physics of laser plasma and inertial fusion, and with up-to-date computer science and numerical simulations of physical systems. Understanding the deeper relations between mathematics, modern physics, and informatics is a good starting point for graduates to acquire even more advanced academic training and qualify for jobs in science, research, and professional practice.

Students also attend specialized laboratory sessions and solve independently research projects assigned to each student. These projects help students understand the gist of the problem assigned and apply in practice the theoretical knowledge gained. Many results of projects are as excellent as to be publishable in professional periodicals or applicable to the development of new engineering technologies.

Graduate´s Profile

Fyzikalni elektronika Ing 02 Graduates will have gained knowledge of physical, mathematical, and informatics disciplines, which -with a view to students ´ specialization - go into more detail of experimental methods and theoretical models of present-day laser physics and technology, photonics, optics, and computational physics. Graduates are also able to orient themselves in technical interdisciplinary applications of the above fields. They can directly continue their academic training in PhD courses in the same or similar field.

Graduates will have gained a creative understanding of how to analyse physical and technological issues of their respective field, formulate and solve new issues, and transform the findings into solutions applicable to research, engineering, and scientific issues of laser physics and technology, photonics, and computer physics. Graduates´ computer skills in using fundamental physical, mathematical, and computational methods to tackle scientific problems in physics via computer technology are taken for granted. They are instructed to follow the latest trends in their respective fields; quickly orient themselves in new interdisciplinary findings; analyse computer data, synthesize them and elaborate the findings in a written form. The newly acquired skills include also a sense of responsibility for the work done and decisions made.

Graduates are ready to enter master (Ing.) positions in industry, research, and private companies, because their approach to issues is both analytical and synthetic: it consists in professional knowledge of and skills in using experimental methodolgy and technology. For a master graduate – in Czech „inženýr“ (Ing.) - it will be easy to find an academic job or a job in industry oriented towards research and development concerned with one of the graduate´s specializations (i.e. Laser physics and technology, Photonics, and Computational physics). They cover electrodynamics, solid state physics, and computational physics as applied to laser technology and lasers, microelectronics, applied photonics and plasmonics, optical telecommunicatios, nanostructures physics , low-dimensional systems physics, sensorics, imaging methods and techniques as applied in specialized laboratories making use of these methods and techniques, advanced methods of comnputational simulatios in plasma physics, and interaction of plasma with electromagnetic waves. Graduates who will not take a PhD programme, my find positions in industrial and testing laboratories, in product certification laboratories, in metrology, and in fields using laser or photonic techniques. Thanks to good mathematical competency, graduates may assume managerial, financial, and even leadership positions.

Physical Electronics – Specializations

Laser physics and technology (LFT)

The aim of the degree course specialization is to obtain knowledge necessary to study and use laser generators, coherent laser beams, and non-linear optics in practice.

Photonics (FOT)

The degree course is concerned with modern photonics, optics and photonic (nano)stuctures, and their design and applications.

Numerical physics (PF)

The degree course establishes links between the knowledge of modern physics, mathematics, and informatics and enables students to upgrade their qualification in more advanced courses and be proper candidates for posts in science and engineering.

State Final Examination

  • Electrodynamics - compulsory part of examination
  • Optics and quantum electronics – optional part of examination I
  • Computational physics – optional part of examination I
  • Laser physics and technology – optional part of the examination II
  • Photonics – optional part of examination – II
  • Numerical methods in applied physics – optional part of examination II
  • Laser plasma physics and inertial fusion – optional part of examination II

Details on the examination and its parts are subject to valid legislation and internal regulations and rules and are available at Study Programmes and Regulations.

Fyzikalni elektronika Ing 03 vetsi

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Department of Physical Electronics

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